Jenna Hellberg
Jenna Hellberg

Helping solo business owners reclaim their time, be productive, and create work-life balance.

I know first-hand that freedom and flexibility can’t co-exist with stress and overwhelm.

After moving from Finland to California I started a photography business — which is how I got sucked into the culture of overworking. There was always more to be done and I felt like I couldn’t take a break. Eventually Ideveloped night-time headaches that kept me awake all night.

I had no choice but to get off the hamster wheel, prioritize balance, and design a more sustainable approach to business.

It’s possible to marry business and balance.

Leveraging my psychology training and love for minimalism, I created a plan to work less – without sacrificing my income. I made space for rest, nature, relationships, and my wellbeing: the basics of everyday Finnish life I had neglected.

A few years of refinements and practice later, I’m closer to the freedom, flexibility, and work-life balance that I had imagined when I first started my business.

And I want to help you experience the same.

Grab a 4-step exercise to reduce your marketing tasks at and listen to the Building Balance podcast for weekly thoughts and tips.

Medium member since August 2019
Jenna Hellberg

Jenna Hellberg

Helping small business owners make progress without hustle. Get my free planning guide that helps you prioritize impactful tasks: